Today Organizations face pressures to maximize productivity and minimize costs due to increased competition which has resulted in greater work intensity and lesser job security. The costs to economy related to workplace stress are far greater than those directly attributed to employee’s compensation. Indirect social costs of work stress have been linked to poor physical health outcomes, mental illness and unhealthy behaviours. Additional costs to organizations include unplanned absences, employee turnover, increased workplace accidents, lower morale and lower productivity. Our Corporate Workshops are designed keeping these points in view so that both employee as well as employer may achieve their desired results.
We conduct following workshops for the corporates:
1) Productivity Improvement Workshop
2) Stress Management Workshop
Productivity Improvement
Two days workshop
Topics Covered:
⮚ Learn to set business goals
⮚ Neurological Alignment for success, productivity and creating new attitude
⮚ Manage inter/intra departmental relations
⮚ Create patterns of success and erasing patterns of failures
⮚ Create Rapport with internal / external stakeholders
⮚ Enhance Creativity
⮚ Productivity Improvement
⮚ Better Relationship with teams
⮚ Managing Emotions
⮚ Positive attitude and continuous motivation
⮚ Goal Setting using 9 criteria and learn a proven system to consistently stay motivated to achieve desired outcome
⮚ Managing Emotions
⮚ Learn to resolve interdepartmental issues with Rapport